Nekogram X source repo gone

Hi, sorry for this throwaway account just cannot be bothered to register yet another time to just write a bit of text on the Internet.

Now, to the actual issue. I wanted to get source code for Nekogram X, went to the Nekogram X | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository which says the source is at, but that github link gives me 404 page, apparently the repository is deleted.

The page claims that Nekogram X is GPL licensed which means source really needs to be available, you don’t need me to tell you that: licensing, security, observability, just to check that it doesn’t do anything funny, etc.

So having Nekogram X | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository but not having the source code is a bit of problem as far as I can see. Perhaps Nekogram X moved to some other git hosting and the issue just boils down to updating the URL? My googling failed to find that other hosting though so I don’t know.

Just after posting this I realized there’s source tarball available so nothing is violated and everything’s OK. Link to github still doesn’t work though, don’t know whether there’s anything that could be done about that, sorry for the fuss.

thanks nekox - no source since (66cf8668) · Commits · F-Droid / Data · GitLab


@Licaon_Kter Since we already have multiple alternative active clients IMO F-Droid should move this inactive & no source app to Archive repo. Generally it’s not good use such client for messaging purpose, though the app still works for now.

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GitHub - NextAlone/Nagram: The third-party Telegram android app. fork NekoX from last few year. Active in development…

Issues disabled on GitHub. The mentioned TG group link suggests : “This group can’t be displayed because it was used to spread pornographic content.” There is no way to contact them for F-Droid inclusion.

:person_shrugging: maybe later when it does not

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The official channel of the Nagram messenger.

Github GitHub - NextAlone/Nagram: The third-party Telegram android app.
Chat @nagram_group

Try GitHub - qwq233/Nullgram: 3rd party client of Telegram instead.

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They’re not interested : [Feature Request] Add to Fdroid · Issue #2 · qwq233/Nullgram · GitHub

It’s not based on Telegram FOSS so it’s hard to clean it up. The dev doesn’t have time to do that. So it won’t be included.

The biggest problem with all those forks - a private chat you create in one fork is non-existent in all other instances.

I believe this should be displayed as a big red fat warning for all users thinking about using any of those forks because it is not quite obvious.

Technically this could be solved at least among FOSS forks and it would be an extremely desirable feature, also allowing migration of secret chats to new devices.

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Isn’t this a Telegram feature and not a fork issue?

It is a Telegram Feature, however afaik there is nothing that would stop a FOSS app to implement export and import of the “secret” information needed to transfer secret chats. It can be reportedly done with Titanium Backup

Hello everyone, I am a new member here. I think the Nekogram X source repository on GitHub appears to have been deleted, resulting in a 404 error. While the app is GPL-licensed, meaning the source code should be available, it’s unclear if it has moved to another hosting platform. Users should check F-Droid or GitLab for updates or alternatives.