Hi there!
Would it be possible to implement the “force locale” -feature to the Mull browser? The same kind that the Tor Browser has.
Sorry for cluttering this thread with nonsense question. Thank you @SkewedZeppelin for the clarification.
Hi there!
Would it be possible to implement the “force locale” -feature to the Mull browser? The same kind that the Tor Browser has.
Sorry for cluttering this thread with nonsense question. Thank you @SkewedZeppelin for the clarification.
Mull is not Tor Browser.
Is the mull browser more secure than iceraven browser? Also please tell why iceraven is not in f-droid.
Iceraven isn’t on F-Droid because it isn’t compiled from source and contains proprietary Google libraries: `com.google.android.gms:play-services-fido` ends up in the build and pulls in other parts of the Google Play Services client library · Issue #463 · fork-maintainers/iceraven-browser · GitHub
Iceraven also changes few settings compared to vanilla Firefox.
My Mull on the other hand disables features that are a security risk and enables many privacy options by default.
See my Browsers - DivestOS Mobile
Mull browser is turning on location permission without my knowledge. This keeps happening even after manually turning the permission off.I installed the browser from fdroid. (Android 12, Motorola device)
Apps can’t magically grant themself permissions.
This is an issue with your vendor OS, what version/device are you running?
It has done that, not once but several times in the past 2 months. I’m using an A12 Motorola device. I don’t know what triggers it to automatically grand access (it doesn’t turn on the phone’s GPS, only app access). Sometimes I browse for a while, and when I check app permissions, the location access would be turned on. I’ve never received any pop-ups during browsing to allow location. And it doesn’t happen every time. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. I’ve seen someone else post a similar experience on Reddit about Firefox Android (not mentioned which fork). I’m kind of losing trust in Mull. I’ve not installed any add-ons.
Some Android versions will, for whatever reason, automatically grant location to the default browser.
Try installing another browser (eg. official Firefox), ensuring it has no location granted, then setting it as default browser, and see if it is granted automatically or not.
Also if you install Mull from F-Droid.org, you’re installing a version directly compiled by them from source code.
Mull is currently my default browser. I’ll change it to see if it helps. Thanks.
Спробуйте браузер Iceraven (sauna repo)-я думаю,що це буде набагато кращий варіантш,ніж Mull.Я з ним працюю вже пів року-і нема жодних проблем.
Is that open source? IF so… why not in F-Droid? Hmmmm
The Mull browser is automatically granting Location access. (Android 12, Moto). When you clear Mull Browser storage (delete app data), somehow the app automatically grants Location access. This could possibly be a privacy threat for many. I have attached a gif as proof. This doesn’t happen with Fennec, OG Firefox and Firefox Nightly . Mull developers, please look into this issue.( Mull was not set as default browser while testing)
@SkewedZeppelin I have found the issue. Please look into this.
again, the issue here is your system
Mull and Fennec F-Droid are identical in this regard.
Just asking as there have been zero updates since April 6th despite Firefox updating several times since then.
It absolutely is not.
F-Droid can just be slow sometimes.
If you want the latest version, get it from my repo directly: Our Apps - DivestOS Mobile
Update history of various Firefox forks are here: https://divestos.org/misc/ffa-dates.txt
Hi, I use Mull on two seperate devices with which one I get through the fdroid app and the other through the fdroid site since I always get errors when trying to add a new repository. The issue I have is detailed below.
On my phone I managed to add the DivestOS repositories and got an update for Mull today, upon checking it says the app has several new permissions yet all the permissions marked as new are permissions it already had? Is this because the DivestOS version doesn’t recognise the pre granted permission of my installed copy of Mull since it came direct from f droid? It also states the app contains anti features which I don’t remember it saying before I changed repos?
Second issue - where do I actually find up to date apk installers for Mull? My tablet won’t work with the DivestOS repo so the only way of being updated before fdroid upstream 192.0.2 is to somehow get the apk through the fdroid app, upload it somewhere and then re download it on my tablet for installation. It would be much easier if Divest gave out apk’s.
You cant update from F-Droid to DivestOS Mull, you need to reinstall. Different signing keys
Metadata is different these antifeatures are things that are added voluntarily.
Why doesnt the divestos repo work?
Check if FFUpdater works.
I use Obtainium with the DivestOS repo as source:
Url: DivestOS Official
Type: F-Droid 3rd party repo
App id: us.spotco.fennec_dos
When I try adding the repo through URL I always get this message on my tablet.
I get the same on my mobile but found that adding the repo by scanning the QR works for it but the same scanning method does not work for my tablet which is kind of weird.
I use a thirdparty firewall and think that may perhaps be somehow involved but don’t want to disable it in order to find out, or selectively pick through granting internet permession to each random app and process until I find the one related.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions about this.
Since anti features are a bad thing is it not unwise to voluntarily add something which is seen as harmful to privacy and security?
Thanks I will do - do they link in with the DivestOS repo also?