Month Calendar Widget disappeared from F-Droid

I tried to reinstall my Month Calendar Widget, but it looks that it disappeared from F-Droid repo.

I am not sure why it is not visible anymore. Could you please have a look?

That generally means it is desperately outdated. I’d look around at more
up-to-date apps like Calendar Widget (Home-screen agenda) -

I’m the author of the app. It works as intended. I use it on the latest and greatest Android version (7.1.*). And it still works great. So please reenable it in F-Droid. If there are issues, I’ll fix them. At the moment there are no issues. If really necessary, I can bump the version number for no reason. But I hope this is not necessary. There is no reason to disable my app. It is not outdated. It works as INTENDED. I have no plans to add useless features.

Moreover…the app you linked is nice, but for a completely different purpose. I use both, since they are complementary.

Ah! Sorry, i didn’t know that.
I’m not affiliated with F-Droid in any way, just a user.

Most likely related to APKs with weak signatures no longer verify, move them to the archive (#38) · Issues · F-Droid / admin · GitLab.