Why u still can’t fix that bug?
Have you disabled loading app icons on the settings screen? Please take a screenshot of the settings screen and post it here.
It’s not so easy. More and more apps use adaptive icon which is mostly a svg. But it uses some resource from the Android framework so it’s difficult to render it on the buildserver. See WIP: fix icon extraction (!972) · Merge requests · F-Droid / fdroidserver · GitLab for more details. And feel free to pick it up.
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Only default icon.
Which apps exactly? All apps? Pics?
This is only one example.They many.
That’s the solution actually.
So for each one that you see missing, open “Issues” link, and make a new one with
"Hey devs, love your app, can you add a Fastlane folder structure (no tooling needed) so the app has screenshots and icon on F-Droid? eg. Fastlane file structure ($1895688) · Snippets · GitLab " Thanks
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