Currently, neither the “All About Descriptions, Graphics, and Screenshots” nor the “Submitting to F-Droid Quick Start Guide” directly states the maximum number of screenshots allowed when submitting an app to F-Droid. I suggest making this explicit, either with a number or a phrase stating that the number of screenshots can technically be as large as desired.
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How many do you want? Or need?
How many do you want? Or need?
but why? thing people will just scroll through 20?
I’d say, if they don’t your app after 3 pics, they won’t want to see the other pics
Three screenshots for the main screen and app settings (no more, no less) — is this an official F-Droid strong recommendation? If an app page contains more than three screenshots, is that an undesirable action that needs to be fixed? There is no answer to my question about the maximum number of screenshots for each app? Am I right?