Markor: app doesn't have permission to save file

I create a document named a.txt in /storage/emulated/0. I then open the file. Replicant OS prompts me for the app to open with. I choose Markor. Markor starts but then responds with: “Warning! The app doesn’t have the permission to save this file, all changes will be lost. There is no possibility to resolve the problem or to confirm something, Android denies any access here.”

Hardware/Firmware/OS stats:
OS: replicant-6.0-0004-rc1
Android Version: 6.0.1
Device Model: Samsung Note 2, GT-N7100.
Replicant API level: Fig (6)
Kernel version: 3.0.101-replicant
replicant@lxc-f2a85m-pro-debian #1
Sat Jan 11 10:10:53 UTC 2020
Build Number: replicant_n7100-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E

In Replicant’s Settings | System | Storage & USB | Apps | Markor | (i) | Permissions | Microphone and Storage (activated)

This file’s properties are:
Type: text/plain
Cat: Text
Owner: 00000 - root
Group: 01015 - sdcard_rw
Owner: -rw-
Group: -rw-
Others: ----

Disk Usage: Free 2.3GB

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