Le volume de données de F-droid est de 10 go

quand je regarde le volume de données associées à F-droid, il y a 10 giga, cela me semble beaucoup.
J’ai l’impression qu’il y a du stockage qui se fait qui n’a pas beaucoup de sens.
Je n’ose pas faire effacer les données, je ne suis pas sur de bien comprendre ce que cela signifie :frowning:

capture d’écran


Update to 1.14-alpha3, clean app data, resetup repos, wi-fi/data sliders, set “keep packages” to 1day, etc

Report after some time if it’s ok

Honestly I have always had this problem, that’s why I switched to an alternative client.
It doesn’t matter if I set “keep the packages 1 day” or whatever, it never gets deleted.

thanks for you answer !
in facts, realy, i don’t understand what is in f-droid datas ?

Do try latest alpha as this was fixed afaik

APKs got copied multiple times, for the install procedure

so there is not realy risk to loss important data, i can erase these 10giga data

Yes, there’s nothing important there (except your settings but that’s like easy to redo)

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my f-droid settings, i think i have no settings :slight_smile:

first step, i erase data, everything is ok. 500 megaoctect to 11 giga, it’s easier. Thanks for your advices, there’s help me to decide

Although the space is being taken up in cache and is easy to delete, it seems that it still does not respect the automatic apk deletion.
Is the storage permission required for this?

Nope, storage was for /storage/Android/org.fdroid.fdroid/… but that’s another issue iirc, it’s broken so APKs don’t get saved there

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