Label apps that are reproducible on website

It is currently hard to find if app listed on F-Droid is reproducible, there is no indication on the website that an app reproducible.

You have to do the following to find out, which is not user friendly at all!

  1. Go to an app’s page on the website
  2. Click on “Build Metadata”
  3. In the file, if there is Binaries and AllowedAPKSigningKeys as a top-level YAML node (read: they exist as labels without indents), then it is reproducible (or at least the server will attempt that)

If this feature is going to implemented, it will stop all the misassumptions and misinfo spread about F-Droid apps are not signed by dev’s key and encourage developers to set it up.


yup, known issues on website and Client

is there any miss-info about how Play apps are signed? Or it’s clear there that Google does it… :slight_smile:


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