When i open kdbx with already existed passwords, emails, then Keepass shows empty space, No any data, feilds with passwords, emails and other stuff.
Report to the developer Issues · Kunzisoft/KeePassDX · GitHub
I too need to raise this. Same thing happens since the last update.
I find some fix for this
You open your old “Bad” data base and after this you create a new data base, then you to “combine” both in Keepass DX. Thats it, its work!
Done already
That should not be the right way to do it, but needs a bugfix if it is a bug.
But in this case and right now it is only one what help.
FYI the application still works for me on Android 11.
Fresh android version
On A13 and A14 it is giving issues.
What format database? KDBX 4 or KDBX 3 ?
How to watch it?
open DB, tap 3 lines left top corner, in opened menu u can see )
It is 4.1 V2
with v2-kdbx4.0 no issue. am convert old DB in keepassdx from 3 to 4 version in desktop version few mounth ago
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