JPEG-XL browser support from F-Droid?


There aren’t many websites that use JPEG-XL yet, but Safari now supports it with iOS17 and macOS14 so this situation might change.

For JPEG-XL support with ANDROID there seem to be few choices…

Do any of the web browser apps from F-Droid have JPEG-XL support?

nope: JPEG XL image format | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

You want to escape WEBP? :slight_smile:

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Rather, more choices are better. JxL is constantly improving & is quite good now, but WebP’s set features are good, too, & each is lightyears better than PNG, JPG, & static GIF.

AniGIFs still need a serious competitor. Also, I sincerely wish SVG would make better market headway.

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