Issue with Mulch System Webview

Recenty i installed Mulch System Webview & Mulch Browser from fdroid. After that i visited on Tutanota and the page shows that Webview is Outdated. But the Tutanota App (apk) is working perfectly.

Is there any fix for that. Or any other FOSS Webview?.


You can’t just install a webview apk and expect it to automatically be set as the webview.
Go into Developer Options and check what your webview is. More than likely it’s the one that came with your ROM ( if on custom ROM like LineageOS).

There are various methods to get Mulch WebView working. Magisk modules or manual placement of overlay file via TWRP or adb maybe.



As @marcdw1289 said, you can’t just change webview as there is a list of allowed apps in the system.

However for standalone Mulch browser won’t load unless you enable the JIT for the website via the per-site settings icon in the URL bar as it needs WebAssembly to function.

Thanks @SkewedZeppelin After Enabling JIT Website works perfectly.

@marcdw1289 I don’t want to root my ROM. I can replace the Android System Webview with Mulch. But the package name is different.

I mean if i replace with another. Apps will not find the webview.

In Developer Options I found A Setting Called Webview Implementation …There’s only One option Android System Webview Version 101…

Please understand, as said above… you can’t.

Yes, and it’s a lie, as you see for yourself… you can’t replace it.

Shit! I guess i ignored that line.

Now Things make more sense to me​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Refer to this…
GitHub - A4Alpha/mulch-webview-overlay: Easily install the security-hardened Mulch SystemWebView from DivestOS

I have Mulch WebView on all of my ROMs and a GSI from Oreo to A11. One can use a Magisk module (a couple/few are available) or use manual methods.

In the case of my Oreo multiboot device (no Magisk on those ROMs) it was a simple matter of manually placing the overlay file where it needed to be (/vendor/overlay/ for example). Used file manager in TWRP. Install Mulch webview and I was set.

Add the DivestOS repo to your favorite F-Droid client or use FFUpdater for updates.

EDIT: Do take a look at this issue though regarding Android 13+…
This method apperently doesn’t work anymore · Issue #3 · A4Alpha/mulch-webview-overlay · GitHub

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Thank You Bro… Now i got the option in Developer Settings

I used the Magisk Flashable Zip on A13.

$ dumpsys webviewupdate

Current WebView Update Service state
  Multiprocess enabled: true
  Current WebView package (name, version): (us.spotco.mulch_wv, 119.0.6045.193)
  Minimum targetSdkVersion: 33
  Minimum WebView version code: 495156103
  Number of relros started: 2
  Number of relros finished: 2
  WebView package dirty: false
  Any WebView package installed: true
  Preferred WebView package (name, version): (us.spotco.mulch_wv, 119.0.6045.193)
  WebView packages:
    Valid package (versionName: 101.0.4951.61, versionCode: 495156103, targetSdkVersion: 33) is  installed/enabled for all users
    Valid package us.spotco.mulch_wv (versionName: 119.0.6045.193, versionCode: 604519301, targetSdkVersion: 34) is  installed/enabled for all users
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It seems the Mulch WebView was successfully installed using Magisk on Android 13, confirmed via “dumpsys webviewupdate” in Developer Settings.

Yeah It successfully installed through Magisk Module. However i previously tried Recovery Flashable Zip but that was not working.

With Magisk Module it’s Working

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