Is their any way to increase the update frequency?

In fdroid update are slow is their any way to improve this situation.

Slow is about download of packages or about time since an app was update and the moment you can install it?

I presume Arjun here means the build and release frequency as compared to other app store build and deployment time.
@Levi491 Arjun, it is due to various factors and also depends on the developer putting for build and release on the F-Droid platform.
Licaon can explain better. :slight_smile:

Generally (in recent times) on f-droid updates take ~4 days (apart from special cases) which seems to me an all in all acceptable time, in the case of some apps like mull (web browser) or newpipe (youtube client) you can use dedicated repos to get faster updates. The fact that f-droid builds from source inevitably leads to a small delay in updates, this thing has positive and negative aspects but all in all it seems to me that big steps forward have been made, of course there is always room for improvement, but considering that the team is limited it seems to me that already now the situation is more than acceptable.


Funny enough the frequency got boosted in the last month or so since the server upgrade. But since users care about 1 or 2 apps their impression might get skewed by the delivery of those. :slight_smile:


Exactly, that was delayed because of built issues, as cycled passed…

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Recently update are fast but i am asking some other way so that all fdroid community can contributes. I am using apps available in fdroid, but it seems update get a hard hit if dev push app update mutiple time in short duration. Like in case of ageis i am facing.

We welcome help, for this particular topic, you can find places to contribute by looking for “help-wanted” and “buildserver”:

And for the record, these days, there are releases published on most days:

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