Is it possible to modify phone so Google cannot data mine?

I will be using the built in LineageOS messenger app, Signal is really of no use if all my recipients are using it, google will snatch my message data on recipients end. LineageOs messenger app is sufficient. But then the apps you mention, if they are encrypted to recipient end, I assume they’re protected enroute?

Not sure what “LineageOS messenger app” means, is that a plain unencrypted SMS app?

Silence encrypts SMS, but your contact needs to use the same app. Transport is plain SMS, but TelCo can’t decrypt it.

Conversations (aka XMPP clients) have TLS encryption to the server, yes, but with OMEMO messages are end-to-end encrypted too, so the server admin can’t read them.

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I’m running LineageOS on my OnePlus One phone, it comes with basic apps.

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Yes. It is possible but no easy with LineageOS without gapps (and without MicroG)
You have to change (adb) or block (firewall) its automatic connections:
-Captive portal mode (connectiviychecks and
-NTP servers (
-Qualcomm servers (xtrapath.izatcloud)
-Intel Filter Verification system app has to be disabled. It connects to and some Amazon servers.
-Multicast Service connections can only be blocked with a root firewall.

And it will be clean.

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