If your GitHub or GitLab username has hyphens or dashes, should you keep them in your application's ID or replace them with underscores?

My username on GitHub and GitLab has a hyphen in it, making Android Studio consider my application’s ID to be invalid if I leave the hyphen as-is. When using a GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages domain for an application ID, should I replace hyphens in my username with underscores?

Application ID can’t have hyphens: Configure the app module  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers

You can set any ID for the app, it does not have to correspond to your userrname.

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Well, on F-Droid’s Inclusion Policy:

I’m using my GitHub pages domain, since that is under my control. Since that has a hyphen in it, would my apps still get included if I replace the hyphen with an underscore in their application IDs?

that’s funny :slight_smile:

It’s not a MUST :person_shrugging:

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