Ideas to help users find apps - Sort. Hide, Bookmark

nope Bookmark Apps (#1002) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab

Edit: This post was originally its own thread, please forgive that it sounds weird as a reply.

This is a well-requested feature, and the issue has been open a long time. (Bookmark Apps (#1002) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab).

Are there any hurdles or challenges that would make adding this feature difficult or time-consuming, or is it a lack of interest on the side of developers?

If it’s the latter, that gives me hope someone who is interested will see it and get around to it. Non-priority feature requests can get buried easily, after all :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think I can contribute to this issue directly as I have no Android development skills whatsoever, so all I can do is ask. Maybe drawing attention to the issue could catch the eye of skilled people :smile:

Best wishes for the whole team either way!

Please add to your favorites to create your own application file cabinet. Very often you find applications that you want to mark as favorites, then return to them, for certain purposes or testing. In general, Fdroid is the future, it’s a great store. Thanks to the creators

Provide an option to sort apps alphabetically. This is a straightforward method that many users find intuitive. Allow users to sort apps based on their usage frequency. This can help prioritize frequently used apps for quick access.

Go to search and upper right icon allow you to sort by last update or alphabetically

also, your installed apps are already sorted like that in Settings - Manage installed apps

That need more “risky” permissions, not in scope for F-Droid

Apps are accessed via a launcher not F-Droid itself, eg. KISS allows you to do these kinds of sorts :wink:

Any update on this feature? I kinda urgently needed the bookmark feature. My Telegram is fulled with apps for alpha- and beta-testing. Would be neat if this feature being natively supported withing F-Droid app. Cheers :coffee:

Try Droid-ify. It has a bookmark function.


Droid-ify does have that feature. Just seems to be a bit buggy since last 2 releases. Reminds me to raise a BR for that.

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!Remind @vdbhb59 to raise a BR for wholesome Droid-fy that save my day.

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As far as I know, neither F-Droid nor Droid-ify have this feature. I feel like it’d make it a lot easier to browse the apps available on F-Droid if I could tell it which apps I’m not interested in seeing, so that it could automatically filter them from the displayed results.

The Steam store has an option that allows you to “ignore” certain games, and I’m thinking it’d be nice to have that same feature in an F-Droid client.

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There are googobs of apps available via F-Droid.
Are you referring to a bunch of apps in general (don’t want to see them at all for whatever reason - do they offend?) or just those that show up under updates that you don’t want to see?
If the latter then just go into that app’s entry, tap the three-dot menu, and select Ignore All Updates. Done.

Note: On most of my ROMs I use F-Droid Classic. On the couple that have F-Droid they are at v1.15.6 (for personal reasons). I assume the above still applies to current versions(?).

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It would be beneficial if F-Droid had a feature like Steam’s "ignore" option, allowing users to filter out apps they aren’t interested in. It would make browsing smoother and more personalized. Hopefully, a feature like this could be implemented in future updates!

i guess that thats an old question: why are no way to like/unlike a app?
Stars, hearts, rounds, squares whatever…