I need help with voip softphone, for calling , I am in Europe , but cant seem to find a suitable app or service without having to send my personal data
Linphone, Simlar ?
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Thanx I will search them and try
Wow thanx a lot I needed that, I will check every single one of them, I did open Linphone, but I’m stuck at the sip server and domain , I can’t seem to find any secure and private source for a sip server
You can always host your own
Or use https://jmp.chat via Cheogram | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
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Ok I will give it try
I can’t host my own server, cause firstly I don’t know how to, and secondly I don’t have the right place to do that, cause it needs a dedicated server
Does jmp has the option to call via phone number and not by apps cause I will call people not using any app only mobile data ,
Read more careful… you use the app, they do not