@Licaon_Kter I will try to find a workaround so I do not need publish on/manage a Maven account and do not have to store a compiled library into the applications repository (what the fdroid build bot complains about) .
Sorry, I fail to understand. I tried to add a webrtc*.aar file to my app repository, but the fdroid build job does not accept this (see build log in the first post). So what would have been my options?
Anyway, it seems that disabling network auto detection in WebRTC does the job. That means that I do not need to modify WebRTC.
Or use one of the used ones, eg. See Conversations code (uses an unmodified one) or Threema (uses a patched version) or JitsiMeet (via react-native-webrtc or whatever is that one called).
OK, so when I need to have a special patch for WebRTC, then I need to push that to (e.g.) Maven for f-droid to build the application. Thank you for the clarification.