How to open a file on TEdit

I create a document named a.txt in /storage/emulated/0/AC. I then open the file. Replicant prompts me for the app to open with. I choose TEdit. TEdit then responds with: “TEdit was not able to open the file.”

This file’s properties are:
Type: text/plain
Cat: Text
Owner: 00000 - root
Group: 01015 - sdcard_rw
Owner: -rw-
Group: -rw-
Others: ----

The folder’s properties are:
Owner: 00000 - root
Group: 01015 - sdcard_rw
Owner: -rwx
Group: -rwx
Others: —x

OS: replicant-6.0-0004-rc1
Android Version: 6.0.1
Device Model: Samsung Note 2, GT-N7100.
Replicant API level: Fig (6)
Kernel version: 3.0.101-replicant
replicant@lxc-f2a85m-pro-debian #1
Sat Jan 11 10:10:53 UTC 2020
Build Number: replicant_n7100-userdebug 6.0.1 MOI10E

In Replicant’s Settings | System | Storage & USB | Apps | Markor | (i) | Permissions | Microphone and Storage (activated)

Disk Usage: Free 2.3GB

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