How to install Bromite System WebView on an old phone?

Hello everyone. Please tell me how to install Bromite System WebView on an old phone, I have LineageOS (Android 7.1), TWRP and AOSP which I want to replace with Bromite System WebView.

I tried the options from the wiki, but they did not work, I also installed Modul Magisk, it also does not work. I would like to understand if this is even possible?

I would be grateful for your advice.

This method does not work.

$ adb root
$ adb remount
$ adb shell "rm /system/app/webview/webview.apk"
# Download `SystemWebview` from here:
$ adb push arm_SystemWebView.apk /system/app/webview/webview.apk
$ adb reboot
$ adb push arm_SystemWebView.apk /sdcard/Download/webview.apk
# Now manually install `webview.apk` from your device; note that it has to be installed from the device, installing it over ADB does not work

Bromite is two years outdated and highly insecure.

For Android 7.1.x you are limited to Chromium 119 as 120 dropped support for 7.

The Magisk modules just adds the signature to the allowed list, then just install the app like a normal app, and then enable it via the WebView option in Developer options.

Hi. Thank you very much for your answer.

I know it sounds weird that I want to install Bromite WebView on Android 7.1, but I wanted to revive my old phone))

I also tried Mulch WebView but it didn’t work either, I don’t remember why…

As for the Magisk Module, could you clarify what you mean, since I tried installing GitHub - arovlad/bromite-webview-overlay: Easily install the privacy-hardened Bromite SystemWebView without Magisk

everything went well, but replacing webview.apk AOSP with webview.apk Bromite WebView apk didn’t work…

you don’t need to replace the apk, just install bromite as any other app

a copy of mulch that supports android 7 is here, but you’ll need a different magisk module: prebuilt/arm/webview.apk · m119 · DivestOS Mobile / Mulch · GitLab

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Thank you very much for your recommendations, I will try to do them. While looking for answers I found this solution => Releases · Kafabih / Bromite Systemless Webview Module for Magisk · GitLab

Hi. The method you recommended does not work, below are screenshots. I made two options, on two different phones, the first: + Bromite WebView apk

and the second + Mulche WebView apk. does NOT work, I get an error in Magisk.

First option

$ adb shell cmd webviewupdate set-webview-implementation org.bromite.webview
Failed to switch to org.bromite.webview, the WebView implementation is now provided by

Second option

$ adb shell cmd webviewupdate set-webview-implementation us.spotco.mulch_wv
Failed to switch to us.spotco.mulch_wv, the WebView implementation is now provided by

Try with GitHub - A4Alpha/mulch-webview-overlay: Easily install the security-hardened Mulch SystemWebView from DivestOS too?

Hi. Thanks for your reply. I think I tried it, there was a bug in Magisk, I’ll try again…

I’ve used the flashable version directly w/o Magisk

Thank you :+1: for sharing this information, I’ll try it and write how it went.

I tried your recommendation and got this error…

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