Hello everyone.
Please tell me how I can download and update a large list of programs that I have not updated for a long time? I do not want to use the F-droid program https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk, I want to download the latest versions of the program in the form of apk files. Is there a program that can do this or do I need to download it this way:
wget https://f-droid.org/repo/org.videolan.vlc_13050608.apk
wget https://f-droid.org/repo/org.woheller69.browser_3000.apk
wget https://f-droid.org/repo/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader_6090.apk
but why do you want the APKs exactly?
Hi. Thanks for your reply.
I need APK files so I can install a list of programs on several phones, for example I have my favorite list of programs and I want to install it on phone 1 and phone 2.
Yes, i can use F-droid to update, but I wanted to have an alternative, since in my experience installing a large number of apk files is much faster than updating old programs through the F-droid application.
Thanks for the interesting fdroidcl application, I will try it, I wonder how it works.
I tested it, great app, thank you very much!
$ fdroidcl download is.xyz.mpv us.spotco.fennec_dos ie.equalit.ceno de.tutao.calendar
APK available in /home/user/.cache/fdroidcl/apks/
Hi. Tell me please, is it possible to use fdroidcl program to install a large number of programs? For example:
$ fdroidcl install is.xyz.mpv us.spotco.fennec_dos ie.equalit.ceno de.tutao.calendar
or do I need to use a script?
I don’t know why to look harder way when solution is at hand. With F-droid full client (not basic) you can share local repository between devices.
Thank you for your answer. I have no experience with what you recommend, would it be difficult for you to give an example of how to do it.
Hello everyone.
Please tell me how to install 10,20,30 or more applications (APK files) with one command on the phone? Do you need to use a script (example below) or perhaps use the fdroidcl program (example below)
Perhaps there are other ways…
I would be grateful for your advice.
$ fdroidcl install is.xyz.mpv us.spotco.fennec_dos ie.equalit.ceno de.tutao.calendar
#! /bin/bash
adb root && adb remount
adb install is.xyz.mpv.apk
adb install us.spotco.fennec_dos.apk
adb install de.tutao.calendar.apk
you don’t need this in order to install apps
for i in *.apk; do adb install $i; done
is enough
Thank you very much for your answer.
Did I understand you correctly that this command
for i in *.apk; do adb install $i; done
will install 10,20,30 apk applications?
I usually used a script for installation, I decided to clarify, suddenly there is an easier way.
Yes it’s a bash looping construct, all apk in the current folder will be installed.
Thanks for the answer and recommendation. I’ll try it and write how it went.
Everything works great! Bash magic))
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