How to check that Aurora Store APKs are exactly the same as Google Play Store APKs?

Hi, is there any way to do this?

Some proprietary banking apps that I have to use are only available through Google Play Store so I’m thinking on install them (or better Aurora Store?) inside Shelter app, but need to verify that APKs have not been tampered with, how can I check this?, is it possible?

Thanks a lot in advance everybody and hope you all have/had a beautiful year’s end/beginning!

As per the source code, the app fetches apks by using the API from foogle and they are original.


See apkmirror or apkpure and use those APKs to verify.

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Thanks a lot, @vdbhb59 . Could you give me a hint or link about a way to check that? I’ve looked a little over the API and couldn’t find that particular option. Is it present in Aurora Store’s code?
Thanks a lot again.

Thanks a lot, @Licaon_Kter !
IIRC some time ago I tried that, comparing checksums of Aurora Store’s version and apkmirror/apkpure’s version of some apps and they didn’t coincide, so I assume that apkmirror/apkstore were making some modifications to the apps. I’ll try again and report here after wards. Thanks again!

Note that the newer format used by Play with split APK+resources, might be harder to check. Also you need to make sure it’s the same arch and etc.


Thanks a lot, @Licaon_Kter , certainly, I tried checking versions and downloading all archs available, but the only coincidence until now has been between apkmirror and apkpure versions (checking with fdupes)… Right now I’m trying to figure out a way to make this work… Any idea would be most welcomed…
Thanks again!

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