How does the device filter work in DivestOS?

Hello everyone.

Please tell me how the device filter works in Devices - DivestOS Mobile ?
For example, I want to filter phones by manufacturer, device, OS version, year of release in supported devices, etc.

I don’t see this function on the site?? This is the most important feature that is somehow missing??

An example screenshot of how this is implemented in /e/OS

Divest is gone… let it go…

Download whatever you want and store it.

Hello everyone.

I would like to know which phone model is best for using DivestOS?

Please do not recommend Google Pixel phones! Google's Software Is Malware - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

You’ll need to do some searching since the downloads and the relevant working features aren’t shown on the website anymore. The most secure devices would have been the ones that supported relocking the bootloader.

Did I miss something? What do you mean, gone?

You are not RSS subscribed to our news?

4th paragraph: Calls and call for a meet up | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Source: News - DivestOS Mobile

Also fyi 3rd paragraph of Community News: Gentle updates postponed | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Sorry for not signing up, but that doesn’t mean you’re a great project and I use it with pleasure and recommend it to others!

I just read the news, it’s bad, to be honest… There’s even less choice of decent operating systems for users…

The clouds are gathering…

P.S Saw the RSS link F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

You missed a not? :slight_smile:

no, I have now set up a program to receive news, I hope it will work correctly)

He means that your sentence

would make more sense with a “not” like so:

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(We still don’t know why they shut down after reaching the 10 year marker)

We can think of it as “personal reasons” :person_shrugging:

It’s not like people were crowding around and helping every month on Google Android, Chrome or Mozilla releases.

How much can one human endure?

I always assumed it was a group of people and I’ve seen Tor get help from various Google projects despite Tor and Google being like fire and water, I also assumed this would be the case for Divest.

No… you can easily check. Wait… you can’t easily check 'cause they used different nicks and kept changing it :slight_smile:

And they did get help, say for older devices and our own relan worked of Fennec too in parallel, but it’s a lot of work. :frowning:

This year brought a few changes that might have caused even more than usual effort to be put in. The March Android security update broke the functionality of most older devices, so the updates had to be modified in a different way. LineageOS sunsetted version 18.1, on which many of the devices supported by DivestOS still relied. Many new devices have bootloaders that can not be unlocked. Maybe these or other reason contributed to the end of DivestOS. Maybe Tavi just bought an iPhone :man_shrugging:

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