I have an app already published to another repository, but I want to add it to F-Droid repository too.
I can’t register an account on GitLab, my phone number can’t be used. When I want to login via Github, it says that my account is blocked (strange).
I have read a couple topics, where people were helped with publishing their app. If there is another way (without GitLab), please, point it to me.
Thank you for answering.
en-US: The app uses an API at crpt.ru
ru-RU: Использование API сайта crpt.ru
JDK Version: Java 17
read the linked diff log, any ideas?
Maybe it can be related to Compose Destinations library, because “routes” are generated at build time.
In build.gradle.kts file:
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "17"
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@Licaon_Kter, any updates?
we were waiting for some feedback on the fail log
I’ve updated now… will see