Google Maps App

Have any open source app runs on google maps.
Eg. Newpipe for youtube like that.
Have any app run on google map app api with open source for navigation without tracking.
Because google map is only best navigation in world unfortunately its dangerous company

The closest I know is or , but it’s just a web view to Maps website.

Afaik Google Maps API isn’t much better then the above apps.

Use OsmAnd, update each month, be happy. :slight_smile: Or Trekarta or or or


Sell your soul, it’s worthy… that sweet sweet data, you need it, do it, nothing to lose.

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or aurura store > HereWeGo maps.

“Here WeGo” is pretty much the “best” Google Maps alternative i’ve found. Trying to get away from Google as well. It’s not open source (that i’m aware of), but at least your sweet-ass data won’t be funneling to Google :slight_smile:

I don’t think it supports Android Auto though which is a bummer.

EDIT: Btw! Never heard of Aurora Store before. It looks NICE!


“Here WeGo” is pretty much the “best” Google Maps alternative i’ve found. Trying to get away from Google as well. It’s not open source (that i’m aware of), but at least your sweet-ass data won’t be funneling to Google

Includes Google Crashlytics and Google Firebase Analytics: εxodus (if this is the correct app). It sends data not only to Google, but also to Facebook. :slight_smile:


damnn, you’re right… i just looked it up too… idk why i had the impression it was decent… but i guess OSMand is the real alternative… never tried it, but herewego had a lasting impression since the ol’ nokia n900 days.

even WAZE is kinda better… than herewego, but idk… the exodus app from f-droid didn’t detect any trackers on the phone… but the website says different.

Are they sneaky about data transmission? I see no connections to servers other than *

Just noticed, funny/sad how when they get your data it’s BAD, but when you want their data it’s GOOD.

There’s a word for that, not double-speak maybe the other one that rhymes with apostasy

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Yeah, there are tradeoffs everywhere. I’m ok with analytical data going to here’s services. I’m not ok with Google centrally tracking location, text messages, emails, Google assistant audio, search history, etc etc all in one place.

If you doubt how creepy it can get and use Google Maps, look here:

That limeline of Google silently tracking where you have been goes back a looong way if you’ve never cleared your data.

You can’t look without an account :slight_smile:
Also, you can’t if you disable all the settings.

Now, if they still track you without showing it…yes…that’s your choice when you use their services.

soo, thats a good thing right? is it a worthy app then ?

It’s closed source, so no, not really :slight_smile:

:grin: :upside_down_face: okk thank you :))

I don’t know why, but OsmAnd is not smooth on my phone.

Hi there…How about a satnav ? or/and a map, u know the thing made with paper…
For, just watching Stars, well, sometimes u make mistakes !
Imagine C.Colombus “discovering” …Italy !
Oups…Wrong way…But if i can remember, he made mistakes…
Some kind of confusions !
Hopefully Earth is quite round.

User would never suggest he is tracked by facebook when he installs applications with no facebook in its name.

Most of the Android apps don’t have Google in their name, so?

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