German states vote for app/content filter by age has an article about a future german law (in german).

As far as I unterstand: provider of operation systems need to offer an easy to use youth protection in future. A parent should be able to select an age for the user for the whole system and then (password) protect the configuration against modifications. If an app has no age limit it should be considered to be legal at the age of 18.

If a german custom rom wants to include F-Droid that project would imho at least to be affected by the law.

I am not sure about about the social pro and con.

F-Droid could offer an minimum age recommendation per app per version. That could be a bunch of work. Since the laws in the world differ widely there could be something like Li-Ri:min-age:common sense:0 min-age:de:0 min-age:fantasy-country:3

The other part would be the software extension. If a custom rom wants/needs to offer a single point of configuration there could be an api to f-droid for configuring. Imho the api could also be defined by google as the monopolist in the android market.

PS: german article at IT-News für Profis mentions Android - JusProg Jugendschutzprogramm which is a non-commercial organisation in germany that offers cost-free youth protection. They mention age.xml and age-de.xml.

There’s already a NSFW switch…

NSFW doesn’t fit to any age.

So you want it renamed to 18+?

No, that woudn’t fit. There may be explicit content that is safe for 16 year old youth.

What a load of guff

thats not complicated enough for germany…
There must be a law, a ministery, a minister, advisors etc.

In the case of Russian the “NSFW” term is unpopular and unfamiliar, and often confusing. And the 18+ mark it’s fully obvious that it’s a “Content for adults” that might contain “vulgar, violent, offensive, etc.” content. Anyway, as I heard, in various countries it’s may be different age of “coming of age” that gives De-Jure full rights of adult people and removes all age-related limitations. The only exception is 21+ for alcohol selling in shops as I know :eyes:

Trivia: speaking about “not safe for work?” Seriously? I have colleague at one of my previous workplace, he just openly sets various related photos as his wallpapers on his work PC, and nobody cares what he does.

Mod edit: edited few words to avoid sorts.
EDIT2: Ok, I’ll ensure to not use such words again. I applied different words.