Force install old targetsdk apps using ADB/Root

You can install apps that are targeting sdk below 23 on android 14 using this command in an adb shell or root context.

pm install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block app-name.apk

Can F-Droid implement such a thing for rooted phones or using ADB somehow ?

No, not possible.

Good evening,

Currently F-Droid allows installing apps over Privileged Extension, Native (old) installer or Session installer. There’s also a CLI tool for installing apps over ADB.

Since Chrome OS forbids Android apps installing other apps what haven’t came from the GPlay Store but allows over ADB (in Developer Mode turned OFF), is there going to be a way for the F-Droid Android app to communicate with ADB server port (or fdroidcl?) to install apps over GUI?

It may also serve as a workaround for the non-rooted Android phones with wireless ADB debugging enabled (or through Shizuku app) to install apps without prompting for the confirmation.

And install old apps. With --bypass-low-target-sdk-block

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