FindMyDevice : All is OK?

Hi !

It seem’s to be not.
How I configure for good ?
And what is the usage ?
what’s it for?


better ask the devs: Issues · Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab


Dev here :sweat_smile:

I’m aware that the first-time UX isn’t great, the app doesn’t explain much.
I’m working on improving that, but it’s a rather large refactor that will take a while.

For now, have a read around the wiki (Home · Wiki · Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab) or search around the open and closed issues.

And like licaon_kter said, if you have any other questions, ask on the app’s issue tracker directly :slight_smile:


What kind of threat?

Which part of the code is the threat: Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab

Do explain what the threat is, we usually see antivirus programs blindly flag “use SMS” as “must be malware!!111”

If you look at Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab you see that F-Droid is “official source”

Again, pretty please with sugar on top: Which part of the code is the threat: Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab ?

just a false positive:
0 hits: VirusTotal

@Bouryd why did you delete each and every one of your comments?

Lessons were learned, information was exchanged, it was ok

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