Fennec F-Droid: App not installed

I am trying to install Fennec F-Droid (Version 97.1.1 (971120)) on my phone (Moto G5, Android 8.1.0, freshly factory reset). The installation progress bar proceeds to 90%, then a popup appears saying “App not installed”.

“Install unknown apps” permission under “Special app access” has been granted to the File manager (Cx File Explorer) program that I use to trigger the APK installation dialog. Google Play Protect has been disabled. There are no anti-virus software or anything else installed on the phone. It is a freshly factory reset Moto G5 with all stock apps deactivated.

I then tried to install the app via “adb install” from my PC. The process takes some minutes and will then fail without giving any error message.

I then enabled “adb logcat” and attempted to install the apk again. You can find the log output attached at the end of this post. I am not an Android developer and skimming through that log hasn’t helped me in figuring out what the problem is.

Full logcat output: Share Text


02-24 21:40:15.883  1793  1818 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed com.android.documentsui/.files.FilesActivity,wp,wa,105
02-24 21:40:17.353  1793  1929 D BatteryService: uevent={POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_NOW=4194464, POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_RATE=Normal, POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH=Good, POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=-186919, POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=1, SUBSYSTEM=power_supply, POWER_SUPPLY_TEMP=225, SEQNUM=163629, ACTION=change, POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=battery, POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=Charging, POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_COUNTER=2338246, POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY=79, DEVPATH=/devices/soc/qpnp-smbcharger-17/power_supply/battery}
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  : java.lang.Throwable
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  :      at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:752)
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  :      at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.getType(ContentProviderNative.java:451)
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  :      at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.getProviderMimeType(ActivityManagerService.java:12677)
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  :      at android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact(IActivityManager.java:1800)
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  :      at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:3169)
02-24 21:40:17.755  1793  5531 W Binder  :      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:697)
02-24 21:40:17.758  1793  5531 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.provider.action.MANAGE_DOCUMENT dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/raw:/storage/emulated/0/Download/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid_971120.apk cmp=com.android.providers.downloads.ui/.TrampolineActivity} from uid 10030
02-24 21:40:17.781 23891 23891 I zygote  : The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
02-24 21:40:17.805  1793  2674 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/raw:/storage/emulated/0/Download/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid_971120.apk flg=0x3 cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallStart (has extras)} from uid 10031
02-24 21:40:17.828   808   911 I SFPerfTracer:      triggers: (rate: 0:0) (5665 sw vsyncs) (0 skipped) (110:63324 vsyncs) (112:76074)
02-24 21:40:17.842  1793  2674 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24399:com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a41 for activity com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallStart
02-24 21:40:17.848   808   808 I SFPerfTracer:      triggers: (rate: 9:1432) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:4) (render: 0:10) (90:64205 frames) (91:72065)
02-24 21:40:17.848   808   808 D SFPerfTracer:        layers: (3:8) (StatusBar#0 (0xac662000): 3:10600) (animation background stackId=1#0 (0xac5ee000): 0:203)* (DimLayerController/Stack=0#0 (0xac5c8000): 0:1130)* (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper#0 (0xac651000): 0:416)* (Sprite#0 (0xac5c6000): 0:8)* (com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.CustomizationPanelLauncher#0 (0xac66f000): 0:137)- (NavigationBar#0 (0xac5ca000): 91:109) (com.android.documentsui/com.android.documentsui.files.FilesActivity#0 (0xac5fd000): 1:26)
02-24 21:40:17.901 24399 24399 I zygote  : The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
02-24 21:40:17.936  1793  2659 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/raw:/storage/emulated/0/Download/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid_971120.apk flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallStaging (has extras)} from uid 10041
02-24 21:40:18.002 24399 24416 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : QUALCOMM build                   : bb5b86c, I77d3059488
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : Build Date                       : 06/07/18
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.22.00.01_06
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : Local Branch                     :
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.6.5.R1.
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    : NONE
02-24 21:40:18.028 24399 24416 I Adreno  : Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
02-24 21:40:18.030 24399 24416 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8937.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
02-24 21:40:18.036 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:18.037 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:18.039 24399 24416 I Adreno  : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
02-24 21:40:18.045 24399 24416 I zygote  : android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
02-24 21:40:18.046 24399 24416 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-24 21:40:18.047 24399 24416 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
02-24 21:40:18.061 24399 24416 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
02-24 21:40:18.063 24399 24416 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8937.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
02-24 21:40:18.111  1793  1818 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallStaging,wp,ca,154
02-24 21:40:18.111  1793  1818 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallStaging: +140ms (total +2s337ms)
02-24 21:40:18.875  1793  5531 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.google.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package5397949026259671484.apk flg=0x2010000 cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.DeleteStagedFileOnResult (has extras)} from uid 10041
02-24 21:40:18.896  1793  3933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.google.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package5397949026259671484.apk flg=0x10000 cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10041
02-24 21:40:18.960 24399 24399 I PackageInstaller: No source found for package org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid
02-24 21:40:19.060  1793  1818 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity,wp,ca,150
02-24 21:40:19.060  1793  1818 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity: +146ms (total +172ms)
02-24 21:40:20.743 24399 24399 I AppSecurityPermissions: Ignoring unknown permission:android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC
02-24 21:40:20.743 24399 24399 I AppSecurityPermissions: Ignoring unknown permission:android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES
02-24 21:40:20.743 24399 24399 I AppSecurityPermissions: Ignoring unknown permission:android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
02-24 21:40:20.745 24399 24399 W AppSecurityPermissions: Couldn't retrieve shared user id for: org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid
02-24 21:40:20.778 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:20.778 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:20.956   808   808 I SFPerfTracer:      triggers: (rate: 9:1433) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:4) (render: 0:10) (19:64301 frames) (20:72178)
02-24 21:40:20.956   808   808 D SFPerfTracer:        layers: (5:11) (StatusBar#0 (0xac662000): 0:10600) (animation background stackId=1#0 (0xac5ee000): 0:205)* (DimLayerController/Stack=0#0 (0xac5c8000): 8:1147) (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper#0 (0xac651000): 0:416)* (Sprite#0 (0xac5c6000): 0:8)* (NavigationBar#0 (0xac5ca000): 0:109) (com.android.documentsui/com.android.documentsui.files.FilesActivity#0 (0xac5fd000): 0:40)- (Splash Screen com.google.android.packageinstaller#0 (0xac66f000): 0:25)- (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallStaging#0 (0xac2a0000): 0:76)- (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity#0 (0xac5fd000): 12:30) (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity#0 (0xac66f000): 18:37)
02-24 21:40:23.604  1793  5531 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.google.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package5397949026259671484.apk flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallInstalling (has extras)} from uid 10041
02-24 21:40:23.604   794   850 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [4, 0]
02-24 21:40:23.691 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:23.692 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:23.717  1793  1818 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallInstalling,wp,ca,103
02-24 21:40:23.717  1793  1818 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallInstalling: +97ms
02-24 21:40:23.728 24399 24416 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x93abcd80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x93afe9b0
02-24 21:40:24.578   808   911 I SFPerfTracer:      triggers: (rate: 0:0) (5665 sw vsyncs) (0 skipped) (58:63463 vsyncs) (60:76232)
02-24 21:40:26.159  1793  1915 W NativeHelper: Failure copying native libraries [errorCode=-113]
02-24 21:40:26.159  1793  1915 E PackageInstaller: Commit of session 1490208051 failed: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113
02-24 21:40:26.197  1793  2659 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.google.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package5397949026259671484.apk flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallFailed (has extras)} from uid 10041
02-24 21:40:26.232 24399 24399 D InstallFailed: Installation status code: 1
02-24 21:40:26.262 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:26.263 11961 11961 I GoogleInputMethod: onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
02-24 21:40:26.287  1793  1818 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallFailed,wp,ca,80
02-24 21:40:26.287  1793  1818 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallFailed: +74ms
02-24 21:40:26.303   808   808 I SFPerfTracer:      triggers: (rate: 9:1436) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:4) (render: 0:10) (1:64386 frames) (2:72278)
02-24 21:40:26.304   808   808 D SFPerfTracer:        layers: (3:10) (StatusBar#0 (0xac662000): 0:10600) (animation background stackId=1#0 (0xac5ee000): 0:205)* (DimLayerController/Stack=0#0 (0xac5c8000): 0:1151)* (com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper#0 (0xac651000): 0:416)* (Sprite#0 (0xac5c6000): 0:8)* (NavigationBar#0 (0xac5ca000): 0:109) (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity#0 (0xac5fd000): 0:58)- (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity#0 (0xac66f000): 0:38)- (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallInstalling#0 (0xac65f000): 1:63) (com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.InstallFailed#0 (0xac5fd000): 2:2)*

While that device indeed is a 64-bit device, perhaps try the 32-bit build: https://f-droid.org/repo/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid_971100.apk

If that fails are you able to install other apps?

Yes I was thinking the same thing and just tried that apk file that you posted and it indeed works. Maybe I don’t know where to look but I can’t find that information for the packages on Fennec F-Droid | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository anywhere.

I only found out by uploading both packages to Sixo Online APK Analyzer | sisik and checking the supported ABIs which indeed show “arm64-v8a” for the first package and “armeabi-v7a” for the other one. Anyway, the issues is resolved then.

The F-Droid app would’ve correctly shown the other as incompatible.

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You should always use the F-Droid Client to get timely updates notifications and info on new apps.

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