There is a buton “Umfeld” (environment?) Which allows me to transfer Apps between two fdroids.
I paired them andtry now to install and update apps.
The apps appear with installing or updating. But if i tick the buton, nothing happens but a litle toast appear that say “not installed”
not installed
This kind of error covers many cases but is most likely from architecture mismatch. What specific apps did you try with?
I don’t think that it is an Architecture missmatch because It works if I grab the APK with Ghost Commander and share it with KDEConnect to the other phone and Install it there.
4 Months ago it still worked. I Use a specific phone with gapps to share and update APKs on my Main phone.
…has only one APK that needs Android 5 or later
Your device has 5 or later, yes?
- LineageOS with Android 11 and GAPPS (Source of the APK)
- LineageOS with Android 12 without GAPPS (Destination of the APK)
Both with fdroid 1.16.3
We just fixed a number of bugs in nearby swap, so the next release should be working much better. If you need a temporary workaround, you could install F-Droid Nearby and use that.
Thanks. I will check it after update. Currently, I’m as up-to-date as needed.
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