F-Droid is "hasbeen" doesn't service the FOSS community

Something new needs to be born as an alternative to F-droid and Izzyondroid - those are prominents. So combine them?!

Also many other Foss repos that could be optionally added to F–Droid -Izzy Store.

Too much hsssle doesn’t bring users - Too much learning curve too get different Foss stores from all awer - compared to Google Play and App Store.

Additional FOSS repos could be added to "Super-Droid -Foss-Sore with click of a buttons.

F-droid is here and so is the other Foss repos.

It’s time to bring about a dedicated Foss portal combining FoSS outreach for a larger audience - dedicated FOSS portal for commong good.

This is vital and a combined solution to proprietary Google P lay and AppStore.

Differences aside. If FOSS on Android 1) stays relevant, 2) coding into new hights, new innovations, common sense practices, fame, withouth corporate good, mediocore apps from that benefit few from the big industru - - - F-Droid-Izzy*

Has the only potential to bring into table a third option.

If there’s a will there’s a way. And this is doable. :+1:

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You do know Izzy hosts non FOSS apps too, right?


F-Droid may not be perfect, but is a great service to the FOSS community. It also really does not have to be comparable in userbase to Apple’s and Google’s proprietary platforms in order to be relevant. It is relevant serving the relatively low number of users it has right now. It’d be great if more people used it, but I strongly disagree that a larger audience is a necessary condition for F-Droid to be considered a success.

Your suggestion also brings to mind a certain xkcd/:


Why? You have not given a single reason for your demand.
If it is so important to you, create it yourself.


@DB9-max I agree that we should be working towards making FOSS more accessible to everyone. That is exactly why I’ve dedicated so much of my life to working on F-Droid. It is not perfect, but given our resources, I think we’re doing quite well. Right now, we need to make it easier to get more people involved. Then we can serve many more millions.


True. One thing, is to get involved and assist/contribute in every small manner.
We have many suggestive individuals, but hardly or very few contributive ones at that.
It is easy to say we need this, you need to do this, but very hard to actually come up and implement it.
Not everyone knows and not everything is about code, but every little help matters in any manner possible.


Thanks for doing that! Sometimes just asking someone is enough to get them to
contribute. In related news, the OTF Sustainability grant is funding us to make
the code a lot easier to work on, so it should be easier for new contributors.

Harry via F-Droid Forum:


On OTF & FD: https://www.opentech.fund/projects-we-support/supported-projects/f-droid-sustainability/

and F-Droid Awarded Open Technology Fund’s FOSS Sustainability Grant | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository