F-Droid installs Apps on its own

I did notice an interesting behavior with F-Droid and wanted to ask whether someone else has noticed this as well, before filing a bug report.

I currently use version 1.2-alpha1 but I could reproduce it with 1.1 and 1.0 as well. I also use the privileged extension.

What happens is that cached apps he reinstalled. I noticed this while I was testing some apps. I downloaded and installed some apps and removed some of them. Some hours later. F-Droid startet redownloading and installing these apps without my interaction. The installation happens because I have the extension installed. Otherwise it would just show a notification telling me to install the app.

Did someone else experience this?

Its a known issue. I’m guessing you have Privileged Extension installed. Sounds like you have this variant, which is fixed in 1.2: check redelivered Intents whether they completed while we were killed (b523ecc9) · Commits · F-Droid / Client · GitLab

Here are some other related issues:

Thank you for your response. After reading the 1.2 release notes I realized that this is a known issue and that it is fixed now.

Bug 1311 still affects me, but after reading the bug report it seems that I can’t bring nothing new to the table. So I guess I just have to wait for this one to get fixed as well.

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