F-Droid installation - "designed for an older version of android"

I have an Android 10 smartphone
I downloaded Fdroid from the website (configuring with source unknown )

Then I want to install it.
I get this message
"this application was designed for an older version of android and does not include the latest privacy features "

Great, press More info, then Install anyway, right?

Which Android version? Which device?

No, there is no installation ; it is not accepted

Nokia 1 - android 10

Rather odd, as these info screens and blocking is an Android 13 or 14 thing.

Can you try with this apk: https://f-droid.org/repo/org.fdroid.fdroid_1016053.apk ?

Also, do take some screenshots…

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Thank you for link ; it is ok

This one installed fine?

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yes ; thank you

Hi. Mine had said the same thing. Though it did have option to download anyway. I did try from the link u gave her. Which it said same thing. So, I went ahead and did it. So, is it safe then? A bit worried. I have an Android zmax11 - thanks

It is safe, there’s work in progress to update the “stuff that Google deems old” so that message might go away soon :wink:

ref: Torsten Grote: "F-Droid Basic just got released for the first tim…" - chaos.social

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