F-Droid Forum App

Is there an app for F-Droid Forum? If it is not, does it have some sort of a REST API?

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F-Droid Forum is just a discourse forum, so you can use a discourse app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.discourse&hl=en&gl=US

The app is F/OSS ?

Yes it is: GitHub - discourse/DiscourseMobile: Discourse Mobile

Riight Discourse (#202) · Issues · F-Droid / Requests For Packaging · GitLab

@dmi Add your voice: Search results for 'f-droid' - Discourse Meta

But then again if you need Firebase and Google Services to serve a webpage, something went wrong a long time ago :frowning:


PWA is also available. You can also enable notifacation on Android.


So there is no native app. I tried to find the documentation for Discourse API, but it seems there is none. But I managed to find the Ruby lib which encapsulates working with Discourse API. So it is actually possible to create a native client for F-Droid Forum.

You can use AntennaPod with URL

forum dot f-droid dot org / latest dot rss

for reading new posts.

Maybe https://forum.f-droid.org/latest.rss?order=activity is better. Wow, I didn’t notice that AntennaPod is not only a podcast player but also a good rss reader! The problem is that the rss do not show the latest reply but only the thread.

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Uhm, AntennaPod is not meant to be an RSS reader :slight_smile: Even though it more or less works, it is not officially supported. There are better open-source RSS readers out there.

Why don’t you use the forum website as a progressive web app? You can get notifications and even create a shortcut on your home screen. When clicking the shortcut, it behaves as if it was a native app (appears in the app switcher, has its own icon, etc)

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Sorry, should have written Flym or other rss reader.


forum website as a progressive web app?

Is that the same as torbrowser shortcuts on the screen? They didn’t update actively, and version 10.0.3 seems to have broken that functionality, but at least bookmarks still work! :slight_smile:

It’s different from shortcuts. Shortcuts just open the website in a normal browser window. The PWA shortcuts (on Firefox, the button changes from “create shortcut” to “install”) make it feel like it’s an independent app. Doesn’t seem to be possible in tor browser, though.

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