F-Droid discord server?

You will want to read this issue before attempting to join any Matrix room via the XMPP bifrost bridge:

tl;dr you can’t really leave

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Welcome to the Hotel California.

Thanks for the report, personally though, I’ve been in and out with different xmpp accounts in a matrix room and haven’t encountered this issue, so I don’t know if it has been fixed

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I have never seen something like this. I have right now entered and left this room and all is well.
Strange story.

Or via Biboumi XMPP gateway/bridge:

eg. join this channel #fdroid%irc.oftc.net@irc.jabberfr.org

(this is one bridge, there are more or you host yourself)

That’s an easy setup…but I don’t do Dockers so I’m not sure if a plain setup is allowed, maybe a VM? @hans? @uniqx?

Cool kids have Play installed, so lets close F-Droid? Ummm…slippery slope :slight_smile:

Better think of it like this @g33kz4su

  • Saying you like FOSS yet use Discord (or any other silo like Telegram or Signal or Wire or only the matrix.org server heh) you keep saying to your friends that: “you should use <closed silo/software>, I’m just quirky and odd”
  • Every day you are still a silo user you keep your friends prisoners too!
  • If you don’t stand up for your principles, why should your friends?

Like RMS says, every “NO” helps: Saying No to unjust computing even once is help - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

Say NO to silos!


matrix is not a silo, it is as free and open as XMPP, plus it works better IMHO.
There are many servers out there, and they federate well. fdroid even has a
server. I agree that Telegram/Signal/Wire are silos, though the clients are
free software (except for the google libs in some).

That’s not what I’ve said :wink:

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