F-Droid bot update checker

Just a question: How often does the F-Droid bot update checker runs? The F-Droid Monitor says that the last run was on the 5th and when is the next run?

Here you see the schedules:

When I looked, the checkupdates was currently running since 4 hours and the next run is scheduled in 19 hours.

I don’t have access to the exact schedule, but I guess every 24 hours.

Thank you for your answer. But it’s weird that it isn’t displayed at the monitor.

The monitor page just links to the GitLab pipelines page when you click on “checkupdates”.
I don’t know why it is this way.

Previously the F-Droid Server reported the checkupdate process result via the Json API:
But this seems to have stopped in November 2020. At least this file is not updated since.

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