Errors when missing a translatable summary could be more helpful


I’m publishing anfor the first time on F-Droid. I’m directly editing a fork in the gitlab UI.

I’ve encountered a bunch of errors that i solved one by one, as is tradition. This one though was a bit confusing :

See job details

“ERROR” is not very descriptive, i guess the extraction of the message didn’t work. I ended up checking the file mentioned just above and realized it talks about the translation files.

I checked the source in

I added the file in /metadata/me.lecaro.breakout/en-US/summary.txt

i ran the build again, it crashed again

I figured I should now remove the key form the file in /metadata/me.lecaro.breakout.yml

Finally that step passed, I think the messaging here could be improved.
Ideally, the error message would say "you have added a Summary: key to the .yml file describing your app, but you should instead write the summary in /metadata/[your app id]/en-US/summary.txt

Also, the docs don’t tell you that setting this key will break the pipeline (or maybe i missunderstood something)

You should host pics, icon, txt and etc in Fastlane files, see: Fastlane file structure ($1895688) · Snippets · GitLab

Thank you for the reply, indeed that worked better.