Does the build bot retry failing builds?

Hey F-Droid team!

I would like to ask what is the due course of action when the build for an update is failing on the F-Droid build-bot. Will the build-bot retry a failed build later, or does it have to be triggered manually somehow? Can that be triggered by app-developers / anyone, or only by admins?

The background of this question is, of course, that the build-bot failed to build the update for my app (streetcomplete) because of what seems to be a temporary hickup. I am kinda anxious to get the new update out as soon as possible and want to know if any action (from me) is required or if I just have to wait and see.

Will the build-bot retry a failed build later

Yes. No action required.

build-bot failed to build the update for my app (streetcomplete) because of what seems to be a temporary hickup

Yeah, looks like a temporary network issue.

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Cool, thank you fo rthe info :slight_smile:

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