"digital humanism" grant for humanism in tech

There is a call due in about a week for up to 40,000€ for “Digital Humanist” tech projects. The description is only in German:


The application looks simple, and I feel like this could be a chance to try to get funding for essential things that are outside of the core plumbing of F-Droid. For example, it could be used to explore getting non-developers involved in fdroiddata, or to more deeply explore how to handle the controversies we’ve been dealing with this summer.

Anyone have any specific ideas?

@anon99929151 @Licaon_Kter @Izzy @uniqx @Bubu @NicoAlt @redplanet @rudloff @relan


Upon thinking about it a bit more, I think we could submit something along the lines of how decentralized curation tools allow communities to moderate content/apps/etc without becoming de facto censorship agencies. It could focus on this forum and fdroiddata+repos as the two specific areas.

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Would we qualify as scientists – and F-Droid as research project?

F-Droid itself isn’t a research project. The research project would
involve F-Droid.

Ah, we’d apply as study object. Didn’t think it that way :smile:

yeah, I’m thinking we get some ethics people to think about
anti-features, machine learning to find trackers, the RFP bot, build
automation, etc. Then put that in the context of the fdroiddata
submission process, and create an automated acceptance process driven by
humans. We’d then document the ethical guidelines for contributors or
for people who want to curate their own repos.


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