Did my phone get hacked?

Did my Nokia 7 Plus get hacked? I found this mysterious app in my task switcher and it never came up during my use so I have no idea which app brought it up. Also I don’t have any application in any language other than English.

I installed Sophos security, scanned the mobile and found nothing. I’m very careful with what I install on my phone and only have a handful of essential apps installed (evernote, kmail, firefox, etc). The only thing that changed in the last couple of days is that I installed the opensource podcast app AntennaPOD from F-Droid and loaded a bunch of podcasts.

Any ideas on what than mysterious app would be?

Thanks a lot.

  1. Don’t panic.
  2. Switch your phone into airplain mode. If you really have a malware, this will stop it from leaking your data and getting commands from a server.
  3. Go to Settings, Applications and look through all installed apps. Remove those that don’t look familiar.
  4. Check which apps have the permission to install other apps (Special access screen).

Thanks for the reply,

The apps that have permission to install other apps are F-Droid and Firefox.

Did you only install F-Droid with Firefox? Do you have any other repo in F-Droid?

I remember that some years ago mobile providers were able to install an app on my device to configure the SIM etc. At least I think it got installed by the provider. But maybe it also was pre-installed and activated on first mobile connect.

Do you know the language shown on the screenshot? Would be good to find out what it means.

I installed F-Droid and used it to install Amaze a long time ago and AntennaPOD just a couple of days ago. I don’t think it’s my mobile provider since It’s not our language and I’m afraid I don’t know the language or what it says.

I think you can manage the permissions of Firefox in its preferences and deny to run external files.

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