Delay in updating apps in default repo

I see many of the apps are updated on their respective github source. But, f-droid default repo is not getting newer updates. Why is there a lot of delay? Earlier repo used to get updated frequently. Is the update frequency changed due to some reasons??

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Is the update frequency changed due to some reasons?

  1. Signing and publishing is a manual step and people tend to have
    less time available.

  2. Buildserver is rather busy.

  3. Buildserver is buggy, and even things that are fixed need to be
    deployed… which is a manual step, so see 1. The two main issues
    are androFotoFinder (and others) build failed" with buildlog "Build succeeded": how to fix? (#24) · Issues · F-Droid / admin · GitLab and Build error: The SDK directory (/home/vagrant/android-sdk) is not writeable (#23) · Issues · F-Droid / admin · GitLab

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Is it okay to ask for certain updates we feel are lagging? Or is this frowned upon?

Anything regular users can do to help the workflow?

Thanks for your work!


Is it okay to ask for certain updates we feel are lagging? Or is this frowned upon?

It’s always okay to ask, but while from a user perspective its always
easy to tell if an app is not up-to-date – like “i know the playstore
has version x+1 and fdroid has only x, it must be outdated” – the
whole stuff is not as simple for us. I outlined a couple of possible
causes in Flag out of date (#947) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab and in
many cases there isn’t anything to fix on my side. However, sometimes
upstream changed the build structure and I wasnt aware of it, so that
can easily be changed and fixed.

Oh, and its not like we withhold updates from some apps or prioritize
others on purpose. We dont have shortage as in “we can only publish
n apps per day”. When signinging/publishing happens, all sucessfully
build apps are getting published. Unless there are bugs… like in the
current situation.

Anything regular users can do to help the workflow?

As I said, the issue above gives you an idea where pinging us actually
helps and is highly recommended (e.g. a solvable build issue, an app
without or with a non-working update-check etc.).