Crossword - marked disable=fdroid/admin#24


You’ve got version 1.03 of my crossword app - org.billthefarmer.crossword marked ‘disable build’ in the metadata, (not allowed to put a link here). According to the build log and the repository it built ok on the 30th April. I have also pushed a new version which the system hasn’t picked up yet.

We are seeing (and actually have been so for a while now) some strange
behavior on some builds: Either not being published while actually
beeing build, builds getting stuck etc. To make things worse, every
of these builds would be automatically retried, thus causing
exponential load to the buildserver affecting other builds as well.

I decided to reset ~20 apps (some having multiple problematic builds)
to a last-known good state. And will re-add them 1-by-1 (or in small
batches) once the buildserver has settled down (in fact, it went down
for hardware maintenance the other day). I expect re-entry starting on
Sunday. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Btw: In your case the issue mentioned in the disable= line refers to
androFotoFinder (and others) build failed" with buildlog "Build succeeded": how to fix? (#24) · Issues · F-Droid / admin · GitLab.