Create multiple builds when adding multiple versions to the app manifest?

Normally, when I manually update an app in the f-droid repo (the official repo), I would add an entry for the new version to the (f-droid repo) manifest file for that app.
But I’m quite curious about what would happen if I add, say, two new versions to that manifest file at once and put it to the repo? Will the building process automatically build two different versions and add both of them to the repo? Or, will it behave like the automatic updating process to add only the newest one?

Is the behaviour a configurable one? If yes, where is it configured? I’m planning to set up a repo myself and would like to know more :slight_smile:

This is a non-crucial question, but it confuses me quite a bit time…

I’m quite curious about what would happen if I add, say, two new versions to that manifest file at once and put it to the repo? Will the building process automatically build two different versions and add both of them to the repo?


fdroidserver tries to build all versions (Build:... entries) for which APKs are missing in either repo/ or unsigned/ subditectories.

Is the behaviour a configurable one?

AFAIK, no.