I have installed a local fdroid server and can build my app through the metadata .yml file.
After building the log has the following:
INFO: Successfully built version 5.0.942 of org.bibledit.android from 5506625005fc239c8e120c7164d189247ba3e55a
ERROR: Could not build app org.bibledit.android: Failed to find any output apks
Question: What can I do to get the fdroid server to build one or more output apks?
Here is the metadata. yml file that I am using:
$ cat metadata/org.bibledit.android.yml
- Reading
- Writing
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
WebSite: https://bibledit.org
SourceCode: GitHub - bibledit/android: Bibledit for Android
IssueTracker: https://github.com/bibledit/android.git/issues
Translation: Translations : Bibledit
Changelog: http://bibledit.org:8090/help/changelog
Donate: https://bibledit.org/donate.html
AutoName: Bibledit
RepoType: git
Repo: GitHub - bibledit/android: Bibledit for Android
Builds:- versionName: 5.0.942
versionCode: 141
commit: 5506625005fc239c8e120c7164d189247ba3e55a
subdir: gradle
gradle:- yes
ndk: r21e
- yes
- versionName: 5.0.942
AutoUpdateMode: Version %v
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
I have read the F-Droid metadata reference, and have made changes to the .yml file like:
- debug
- release
Here’s the last error log:
==== detail begin ====
== Installed Android Tools ==
- build-tools/30.0.3 (30.0.3)
- cmdline-tools (3.0)
- emulator (30.5.4)
- patcher/v4 (1)
- platform-tools (31.0.1)
- platform-tools-2 (31.0.1)
- tools (26.1.1)
2021-04-16 14:09:45,242 INFO: Using /home/vagrant/android-sdk/build-tools/29.0.3/apksigner
2021-04-16 14:09:45,243 INFO: Creating log directory
2021-04-16 14:09:45,244 INFO: Creating temporary directory
2021-04-16 14:09:45,244 INFO: Creating output directory
2021-04-16 14:09:45,455 INFO: Using git version 2.11.0
2021-04-16 14:09:45,456 INFO: Building version 5.0.942 (141) of org.bibledit.android
2021-04-16 14:09:53,715 INFO: Getting source for revision 5506625005fc239c8e120c7164d189247ba3e55a
2021-04-16 14:09:57,140 INFO: Creating local.properties file at build/org.bibledit.android/local.properties
2021-04-16 14:09:57,141 INFO: Updating local.properties file at build/org.bibledit.android/gradle/local.properties
2021-04-16 14:09:57,169 INFO: Cleaning Gradle project…
2021-04-16 14:10:59,156 INFO: Scanning source for common problems…
2021-04-16 14:10:59,321 INFO: Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at gradle/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
2021-04-16 14:10:59,324 INFO: Creating source tarball…
2021-04-16 14:11:33,783 INFO: Building Gradle project…
2021-04-16 15:08:36,757 INFO: Successfully built version 5.0.942 of org.bibledit.android from 5506625005fc239c8e120c7164d189247ba3e55a
2021-04-16 15:08:36,758 ERROR: Could not build app org.bibledit.android: Failed to find any output apks
==== detail end ====
2021-04-16 17:08:44,319 INFO: Finished
2021-04-16 17:08:44,319 INFO: 1 build failed
When building the app through Android Studio, Android Studio can build APKs and it can build Bundles.
Thank you for any help. I can try different .yml files because the build server is ready here locally.
Teus Benschop