Change request for Auxio

Good afternoon:

First of all apologize for making these suggestions here. But as my github is closed, I don’t know how to get in touch with the developer of Auxio ( @OxygenCobalt ).

I wanted to comment if it would be possible to add a stop playback button. That when the music playback stops, the mini player stops and returns to the home screen.

And that it stops being active.

I also wanted to report that in several mobiles. The player that is in the notification bar, when you close the application. This is still active in the notification bar (does not close and does not disappear).

A hug and sorry for the inconvenience caused.

That’s an Android feature, use Android-Settings-… to turn it off.

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Good afternoon @Licaon_Kter

First of all thank you for your help and time.

And sorry for taking so long to answer you.

It was finally fixed with the last update.

But you still need to put a button to stop the song. Instead of just a pause button.

But it’s better now.

Best regards

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