Catchall email android app - sender should be receiver account

I am using catchall email adresses with my own domain.
For several purposes I have several adresses, p.ex.,, etc.
With thunderbird on Desktop, there is no issue. It chooses automatically the email adress the mail was sent to (p.ex. and uses it as the sender email.

Example: So if sends me an email to and I want to answer, thunderbird will send the email from I never added as a separate email account in thunderbird, I only set up
The sender email is automatically created as a sender address once a mail to a address abc(or whatever) is received

I am now looking for an email client on android doing the same.

Did you try the obvious #1 choice? K9 mail. There is not much choice besides that anyway… quite a number of alternatives that are slightly better on one aspect or another but overall K9 mail is just doing most things right and still improving.

I am using FairEmail von K9 mail for quite some time, but they do not have that feature.

I am using a very similar setup in K9 and it works. For the account that receives the email you need to add all identities, that is in account settings, sending email, manage identities.

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