Can't install fdroid in my android 15

Cannot install in Android 15 how can I do it


what did you do?

downloaded from

saved locally?


Pics of the error?

I did not keep that screenshot a pop up happens that show the app is for older version of android.
But there was a option to force install and that installed now if i uninstall and reinstall i dont see that pop up i downloaded fdroid from fdroid website.

@Licaon_Kter Why don’t f-droid just increase that targetSdk thing ?

Contribution is welcome. :slight_smile:

and bump targetSdkVersion to 30 (#2037) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab

and then bump targetSdkVersion to 31 (#2624) · Issues · F-Droid / Client · GitLab


Also, any issues OP has with Android 15 should not be targetsdk related :person_shrugging:

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