I am so lost right now and frustrated, Im about ready to make a strong margarita just to settle my nerves. The only thing I wanted to do was check out the dark web, and it led me to f droid, cause I asked what browser to use. Now I’m trying to download orbot on f droid and it didn’t show up so I looked up how to do that, and now im here. Sorry I barely know what a VPN is, and I think i got in way over my head. Any help would be appreciated a lot.
- Guardian Project Official App Repository : Guardian Project Official App Repository
- Alternatively you can use InviZible Pro for more details see their wiki.
The Guardian Repo has nice stuff (Orbot and Tor Browser) but:
- these apps and the rest are not FOSS (contain still non-FOSS stuff)
- they don’t seem to keep them up to date
Anyway, it was removed from the default F-Droid Client repo list for the first reason.
You can always add it back but better use:
to get latest versions
FFUpdater can install and (automatically) update the latest versions of TOR Browser and Orbot.
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