Can we have this app called hyperion

This is a youtube frontend gplv3 written in pure kotlin


I do not see any blobs which are pure proprietary. @linsui has a better eye for these.
Otherwise, if all okay, raise a MR/PR under F-Droid on Gitlab.
BTW, not sure if it is reproducible, there is nothing which states as such.

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They disabled issues so no way to contact them.

without their permission or interest for the inclusion? Devs calling F-Droid version unofficial…it happened few times in the past, when FD used to sign the apps. Better to fork the repo, change package name and publish on FD if they’re not interested.

P.S: I guess now with reproducible builds it should be okay as the license allows you to redistribute it. But still informing them is the better option.

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Firebase is used.

There is no issue tracker so we can’t get their permission. So we can’t include it.


fwiw Firebase doesn’t actually appear used in the latest source, it may however be in the current releases: Blaming Hyperion/common/build.gradle.kts at main · zt64/Hyperion · GitHub

I also cant find issue else i could have rised a issur for inclusion

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