Can the apps that require the GMS framework be marked?

可否将需要 GMS 框架的应用标注出来?

“Can the apps that require the GMS framework be marked?”

“我的意思是,如果一个应用本身不包括 GMS,但有需要调用 GMS 的情况。例如,大量 F-Droid 上的视频处理软件需要通过 Google,能否标注它们?”

“What I mean is, if an app itself does not include GMS but has situations where it needs to call GMS. For example, some video processing software on F-Droid requires Google services. Can they be marked?”


“Or listed as not fully free software.”

there’s no app that requires GMS

there are some that might use it, if present, like Organic Maps: Hike, Bike, Drive Offline | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository or maybe Fennec F-Droid | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository (albeit the FIDO functionality is not working as expected)

also note, this would use GMS or microG if you have it

there is? which one?

  • open video editor by devhyper
  • bunny media editor by artectrex
  • … lots of other apps
    they do need gms core and login google account

no they don’t, but see… since they are FOSS you can easily show us in the code where they need GSM


here: PixelDroid / Bunny Media Editor · GitLab

and GitHub - devhyper/open-video-editor: Open source Android video editor, built with Media3 and Jetpack Compose.

we wait


“I haven’t looked at its source code, but they also redirect to the same interface after clicking to add a video file. Here are the screenshots, and it is not functional.”

It looks like you are trying to add a video that is hosted in your Google Drive or Google Photos. If that is the case, you will need to grant access to the video editor using your Google credentials. Instead you can download the video to your device storage and add a video from there.

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“I think I know what caused it; using the old file picker option resolved the issue.”

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