Some questions related to deciding how much and how to donate, and why.
From the opencollective budget section: Today’s balance: $11,499.12 USD, Estimated annual budget:~ $11,889.84 USD
From opencollective updates: $10k was received from Mozilla,
From descriptions of levels: “If everyone who used F-Droid could tip in with $1 a month” we’d have stable support.
Q: Are there really only ~1k f-droid users ($12k/$12 per year per user)?
And, Did Mozilla really fund 83% ($10k/$12k) of the annual budget?
From opencollective updates: f-droid is participating in alpha test of bitcoin donations.
Q: Has Monero been considered, why isn’t it an option, why was bitcoin chosen?
A couple videos I thought were interesting, which say Monero is more consistent with what I understand to be f-droid’s values:
Dr. Daniel Kim on Fiat, Bitcoin, Monero, 2008-Dec. 2019: (~90 minutes, Start from ~3:31:20)
If that wasn’t enough… Additional 45 minutes discussion on Monero Talk:
“Monero is what bitcoin noobs thought they bought.”
PS. I didn’t find non-youtube options…